+++ US-Kongress geschockt +++ PENTAGON kann ohne Russland nicht einmal seine MILITÄR-SATELLITEN ins Weltall bringen !!! +++

Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 10.04.2016

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Wie das Pentagon vor dem US-Kongress einräumen musste – werden die USA weitere 18 russische Raketenantriebe RD-180 von Russland erwerben müssen, weil es dem Pentagon sonst nicht mehr möglich sein wird seine Militärsatelliten ins Weltall zu schießen.

Demnach ist es einfach nicht möglich solche eigenen Antriebe binnen weniger als 6 Jahren auszuarbeiten und zu fertigen, so der Deputy Defense Secretary des Pentagon Robert Work mit klaren Worten zum US-Kongress, der den USA und allen voran dem Pentagon verboten hatte russische Antriebstechnik neu zu erwerben. Zwar würden US-Konzerne wie Boieng, Lochheed Martin und SpaceX an eigenen Antrieben arbeiten, doch ohne russische Raketenantriebe – wird das Pentagon, die US-Army und all die vielen US-Geheimdienste recht schnell „blind“. Das sind die Fakten.

Deshalb bittet das Pentagon den Einkauf russischer Raketenantriebe auch über das Jahr 2019 hinaus zu erlauben.

+++ Und seit ihr euch sicher, dass ihr auf dem Mond wart? Und das bereits vor 47 Jahren? „smile“-Emoticon


U.S. needs up to 18 more Russian rocket engines: Pentagon

The Pentagon will need to buy up to 18 more Russian-built RD-180 engines to power rockets carrying U.S. military satellites into space over the next six years or so, Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said in an interview on Friday.

Congress banned use of the Russian RD-180 rocket engines for military use after 2019, following Russia’s annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014.

But U.S. lawmakers eased the ban late last year, worried that it could drive United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing Co, out of business and leave only privately held SpaceX to lift satellites into space.

Work said the United States needed to ensure there were at least „two affordable and reliable means into space.“ He added the RD-180 would be needed only during what he described as a transition period of new domestic rocket engine development.

„We just don’t see any way you can get a new engine in anything less than six years,“ Work said.

„And so, therefore, in the transition period, we believe strongly that we need RD-180 space engines. No more than 18 but, you know, that’s our position.“

Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is pushing to end U.S. dependence on Russian engines used by United Launch Alliance to power its Atlas 5 rockets.

McCain said last month that two Russians placed on the U.S. sanctions list because of events in Ukraine were leaders of Russian space agency Roscosmos, which he said was the parent of the company that makes the RD-180 rocket.

ULA has said it was moving forward with two companies developing their own U.S. engines, Blue Origin and Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, but such development programs were difficult and took years to complete.

(Reporting by Phil Stewart; Editing by Leslie Adler)



Pentagon: U.S. needs up to 18 more Russian rocket engines

By Phil Stewart

WASHINGTON, April 8 (Reuters) – The Pentagon will need to buy up to 18 more Russian-built RD-180 engines to power rockets carrying U.S. military satellites into space over the next six years or so, Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said in an interview on Friday.

Congress banned use of the Russian RD-180 rocket engines for military use after 2019, following Russia’s annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014.

But U.S. lawmakers eased the ban late last year, worried that it could drive United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing Co, out of business and leave only privately held SpaceX to lift satellites into space.

Work said the United States needed to ensure there were at least „two affordable and reliable means into space.“ He added the RD-180 would be needed only during what he described as a transition period of new domestic rocket engine development.

„We just don’t see any way you can get a new engine in anything less than six years,“ Work said.

„And so, therefore, in the transition period, we believe strongly that we need RD-180 space engines. No more than 18 but, you know, that’s our position.“

Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is pushing to end U.S. dependence on Russian engines used by United Launch Alliance to power its Atlas 5 rockets.

McCain said last month that two Russians placed on the U.S. sanctions list because of events in Ukraine were leaders of Russian space agency Roscosmos, which he said was the parent of the company that makes the RD-180 rocket.

ULA has said it was moving forward with two companies developing their own U.S. engines, Blue Origin and Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, but such development programs were difficult and took years to complete. (Reporting by Phil Stewart; Editing by Leslie Adler)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3530988/Pentagon-U-S-needs-18-Russian-rocket-engines.html#ixzz45SNWAWZ9
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