US-Geheimdienstveteranen an die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit und Obama: Her mit den Beweisen!Für das Memo zeichnen William Binney (Ex-NSA), Larry Johnson (Ex-CIA und State Department), Edward Loomis (Ex-NSA), David MacMichael (Ex-National Intelligence Council), Ray McGovern, (Ex-CIA), Elizabeth Murray (Ex-Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East), Coleen Rowley (Ex-FBI), Ann Wright (Ex-US Army) verantwortlich.

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Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck 2014-09-02

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(30.7.2014) Regelmässig wendet sich eine Vereinigung von Veteranen der US-Geheimdienste mit Memos an den Präsidenten an die Öffentlichkeit. In den letzten Monaten steht vor allem das verantwortungslose Vorgehen von Außenminister John Kerry im Focus, der um  jeden Preis in Syrien offen militärisch intervenieren wollte. Letzten Sommer meinten die Veteranen, dass ihren Informationen zufolge nicht die Regierungstruppen von Bashar al-Assad Giftgas einsetzen, sondern deren Gegner. 

Dass sich nun wiederum gerade Kerry fanatisch gebärdet und Russland beschuldigt, gemeinsam mit den Volksmilizen in der Ostukraine für den Absturz der malaysischen Boeing verantwortlich zu sein, spricht aus ihrer Sicht nicht gerade für die Mission der US-Regierung gegen Russland. Sie schreiben an Obama etwa: „Your administration has not provided any satellite imagery showing that the separatists had such weaponry, and there are several other ‚dogs that have not barked‘. Washington’s credibility, and your own, will continue to erode, should you be unwilling – or unable – to present more tangible evidence behind administration claims. In what follows, we put this in the perspective of former intelligence professionals with a cumulative total of 260 years in various parts of U.S. intelligence.“ Sie betonen, dass sie einst vorhandene Informationen analysierten und daher nicht gewohnt waren, vorschnelle Schlüsse zu ziehen: „As veteran intelligence analysts accustomed to waiting, except in emergency circumstances, for conclusive information before rushing to judgment, we believe that the charges against Russia should be rooted in solid, far more convincing evidence. And that goes in spades with respect to inflammatory incidents like the shoot-down of an airliner. We are also troubled by the amateurish manner in which fuzzy and flimsy evidence has been served up – some of it via ’social media‘.“ Es ist für sie befremdend, wie unprofessionell die USA vorgehen: „As intelligence professionals we are embarrassed by the unprofessional use of partial intelligence information. As Americans, we find ourselves hoping that, if you indeed have more conclusive evidence, you will find a way to make it public without further delay. In charging Russia with being directly or indirectly responsible, Secretary of State John Kerry has been particularly definitive. Not so the evidence. His statements seem premature and bear earmarks of an attempt to ‚poison the jury pool‘.“

Die Ex-Agenten erinnern daran, wie der Abschuss des Fluges KAL007, einer weit vom Kurs abgekommenen Maschine, sofort propagandistisch ausgebeutet wurde: „The Soviets soon realized they had made a horrendous mistake. U.S. intelligence also knew from sensitive intercepts that the tragedy had resulted from a blunder, not from a willful act of murder (much as on July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian civilian airliner over the Persian Gulf, killing 290 people, an act which President Ronald Reagan dismissively explained as an ‚understandable accident‘).To make the very blackest case against Moscow for shooting down the KAL airliner, the Reagan administration suppressed exculpatory evidence from U.S. electronic intercepts.

Washington’s mantra became ‚Moscow’s deliberate downing of a civilian passenger plane‘. Newsweek ran a cover emblazoned with the headline ‚Murder in the Sky‘. (Apparently, not much has changed; Time’s cover this week features ‚Cold War II‘ and ‚Putin’s dangerous game‘  The cover story by Simon Shuster, ‚In Russia, Crime Without Punishment‘, would merit an A-plus in William Randolph Hearst’s course ‚Yellow Journalism 101‘).“Allerdings wusste man damals, dass ein russischer Kampfjet die Maschine abgeschossen hat, während heute gerade die Frage nach einem ukrainischen Kampfjet unterdrückt wird.

„When KAL007 was shot down, Alvin A. Snyder, director of the U.S. Information Agency’s television and film division, was enlisted in a concerted effort to ‚heap as much abuse on the Soviet Union as possible‘, as Snyder writes in his 1995 book ‚Warriors of Disinformation‘. “ Snyderschildert, wie er dazu angehalten wurde, ein Video für den UN-Sicherheitsrat zu produzieren, in dem wesentliche Fakten verschwiegen wurden: „In den letzten Jahren ist jedoch zusätzliches Material verfügbar geworden, aus dem deutlich wird, daß ich damals unvollständige Informationen erhalten habe: ausgewählte Äußerungen der Piloten und gar keine der Fluglotsen. Die vollständigen Abhörprotokolle zeigen, daß die Russen der Überzeugung waren, Flug 007 sei ein amerikanisches Aufklärungsflugzeug des Typs RC-135, die routinemäßig in dieser Gegend flogen.“

Die RC-135 ist die militärische Version der Boeing 747, daher sagte der betroffene Kampfjetpilot auch, dass eine Maschine, die zivil aussieht, durchaus militärisch genutzt sein kann. Heute weiss man, dass monatelang im Radarschatten von Flug 007 Aufklärungsflüge stattfanden, und dass sich der Pilot der Boeing merkwürdig verhielt, wie R.W. Johnson in „Shootdown: The Verdict on KAL 007“ darstellt. Daraus kann man den Schluss ziehen, dass er nicht nur über die Aufklärungsflüge Bescheid wusste, die er deckte, sondern bewusst zu seinem letzten Flug mit Verzögerung und mehr Treibstoff an Bord aufbrach, um seine Route mit der eines US-Satelliten in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. 

Die Veteranen wissen, dass komplexe Wahrheiten meist erst im Lauf der Zeit ans Licht kommen, und schreiben an Obama: „The tortured attempts by your administration and stenographers in the media to blame Russia for the downing of Flight 17, together with John Kerry’s unenviable record for credibility, lead us to the reluctant conclusion that the syndrome Snyder describes may also be at work in your own administration; that is, that an ethos of ‚getting your own lie out first‘ has replaced ‚ye shall know the truth‘. At a minimum, we believe Secretary Kerry displayed unseemly haste in his determination to be first out of the starting gate.“ Dass nur zählt, wer seine Lüge als erstes verbreitet hat, ist eine Lehre, die Alvin A. Snyder aus seinen Erfahrungen zieht. 

Sie stellen Kerry ein vernichtendes Zeugnis aus: „It seems that whenever Kerry does cite supposed ‚evidence‘ that can be checked – like the forged anti-Semitic fliers distributed in eastern Ukraine or the photos of alleged Russian special forces soldiers who allegedly slipped into Ukraine – the ‚proof‘ goes ‚poof‘ as Kerry once said in a different context. Still, these misrepresentations seem small peccadillos compared with bigger whoppers like the claim Kerry made on August 30, 2013, no fewer than 35 times, that ‚we know‘ the government of Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the chemical incidents near Damascus nine days before.“

Selbst dass Obama keinen Angriff auf Syrien mehr wollte, konnte den Außenminister nicht stoppen: „Kerry was still pushing for an attack in testimony before a thoroughly sympathetic Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. On the following day Kerry drew highly unusual personal criticism from President Putin, who said: ‚He is lying, and he knows he is lying. It is sad.‘ Equally serious, during the first week of September 2013, as you and President Vladimir Putin were putting the final touches to the deal whereby Syrian chemical weapons would be given up for destruction, John Kerry said something that puzzles us to this day. On September 9, 2013, Kerry was in London, still promoting a U.S. attack on Syria for having crossed the ‚Red Line‘ you had set against Syria’s using chemical weapons. At a formal press conference, Kerry abruptly dismissed the possibility that Bashar al-Assad would ever give up his chemical weapons, saying, ‚He isn’t about to do that; it can’t be done‘. Just a few hours later, the Russians and Syrians announced Syria’s agreement to do precisely what Kerry had ruled out as impossible. You sent him back to Geneva to sign the agreement, and it was formally concluded on September 14.“

Auch jetzt verhält sich Kerry eben Kerry-typisch: „Regarding the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down of July 17, we believe Kerry has typically rushed to judgment and that his incredible record for credibility poses a huge disadvantage in the diplomatic and propaganda maneuvering vis-a-vis Russia. We suggest you call a halt to this misbegotten ‚public diplomacy‘ offensive. If, however, you decide to press on anyway, we suggest you try to find a less tarnished statesman or woman.“ Die Veteranen halten sich mit offenen Schlussfolgerungen zurück, lassen aber dennoch an Deutlichkeit nichts zu wünschen übrig: „If the intelligence on the shoot-down is as weak as it appears judging from the fuzzy scraps that have been released, we strongly suggest you call off the propaganda war and await the findings of those charged with investigating the shoot-down. If, on the other hand, your administration has more concrete, probative intelligence, we strongly suggest that you consider approving it for release, even if there may be some risk of damage to ’sources and methods‘. Too often this consideration is used to prevent information from entering the public domain where, as in this case, it belongs.“

Eckart Spoo über die Rolle deutscher Medien

Sie erinnern daran, dass man immer wieder abwägen musste, ob man sich auf Geheimhaltung beruft oder zu viel auf dem Spiel steht, um darauf zu verzichten, Behauptungen zu untermauern: „If the U.S. has more convincing evidence than what has so far been adduced concerning responsibility for shooting down Flight 17, we believe it would be best to find a way to make that intelligence public – even at the risk of compromising ’sources and methods‘. Moreover, we suggest you instruct your subordinates not to cheapen U.S. credibility by releasing key information via social media like Twitter and Facebook.“ Die Veteranen wandten sich am 4. Mai 2014 an Obama mit dem Vorschlag, mit Putin persönlich zu verhandeln und öffentlich zu erklären, dass keine Aufnahme der Ukraine in die NATO angestrebt wird. Die USA müssen endlich respektieren, dass es legitime Interessen mehrerer Seiten gibt:“The suggestion of an early summit got extraordinary resonance in controlled and independent Russian media. Not so in ‚mainstream‘ media in the U.S. Nor did we hear back from you.“

Für das Memo zeichnen William Binney (Ex-NSA), Larry Johnson (Ex-CIA und State Department), Edward Loomis (Ex-NSA), David MacMichael (Ex-National Intelligence Council), Ray McGovern, (Ex-CIA), Elizabeth Murray (Ex-Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East), Coleen Rowley (Ex-FBI), Ann Wright (Ex-US Army) verantwortlich. Bekanntlich fordern die USA, statt Beweise vorzulegen oder die Fragen des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums und des Verkehrsministeriums zu beantworten, permanent neue Sanktionen gegen Russland. Die EU ist dabei williger Erfüllungsgehilfe, wie Pepe Escobar in „“>“Crime (Israel) and Punishment (Russia)“ kritisiert: 

„So Obama, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande and Renzi – let’s call them the Fab Five – got on a video conference call to muster their courage and ‚increase pressure‘ asking for a cease-fire in Gaza. Later in the day, Bibi delivers his answer, in plain language. He remains dead set on achieving his version of a Final Solution to Gaza. With or without ‚pressure‘. So what’s left for the Fab Five after having their illustrious Western collective behinds solemnly kicked? They decide to dump Gaza and instead SANCTION RUSSIA! AGAIN! How brilliant is that as an exit strategy?

Spectacular non-entity Tony Blinken, who doubles as deputy national security adviser to Obama, was keen to stress to Western corporate media that the unruly Eurotrash mob is now ‚determined to act‘. No, not against Israel because of Gaza; against Russia because of Ukraine. Such a lovely Orwellian symmetry; the extended Two Minutes Hate from Israel towards Gazans morphs into the extended Two Minutes Hate from the ‚West‘ towards Russia, mirroring the extended Two Minutes Hate from Kiev towards Eastern Ukrainians.“

Und zu den „Beweisen“ der USA meint Escobar: „The only visible ‚evidence‘ presented so far pictures the acronym salad of US intel agencies spending their time actively reading blogs and Twittering. As in the State Department head in Kiev twittering satellite imagery the New York Times parroted ‚proved‘ Russia is shelling Ukraine from across the border. The proverbial ’senior US officials‘ even had to tersely admit on the record they have no proof whatsoever about ‚Putin’s missile‘. If they had, NATO would be already flipping burgers in Red Square.

Based on the wealth of info now in the open, the top probability causing the MH17 tragedy was a R-60M air-to-air missile shot from a Ukrainian Su-25 – and not a BUK (there’s also the possibility of a double down; first a R-60M and then a BUK). The R-60M is very fast, with an ideal engagement distance of up to 5 km. That’s how far the Su-25 detected by the Russians (they showed the graphics) was from MH17. SBU – Ukrainian intel – for its part confiscated the recordings of Kiev control tower talking to MH17. That would certainly explain why MH17 was overflying a war zone (Malaysian Airlines revealed they were forced to). Hefty bets can be made the recordings are now being ‚doctored‘.“

Es sei daran erinnert, dass Russland unter anderem genau danachgefragt hat – warum wurden diese Aufzeichnungen beschlagnahmt, wenn es doch um eine unabhängige Untersuchung gehen muss? In weiteren Fragen, jenen des Verkehrsministeriums, geht es um die Fülle an aufgezeichneter Kommunikation im zivilen und militärischen Bereich und um eine Bestandsaufnahme des ukrainischen Arsenals an Boden-Luft- und Luft-Luft-Raketen. Da die Black Boxes in England untersucht werden, ist Escobar skeptisch: „Then there are the black boxes, which will not de decoded by the Malaysians or by the Dutch, but by the Brits – acting under Washington’s orders. As The Saker summed up the view of top Russian specialists, ‚the Brits will now let the NSA falsify the data and that falsification will be coordinated with the SBU in Kiev which will eventually release the recordings who will fully ‘confirm’ the ‘authenticity’ of the NSA-doctored recordings from the UK.‘ To make it more palatable, and erase suspicions about Anglo-American foul play, the Dutch will announce it. Everyone should be forewarned.“


Aus dem per ÖVP-Amtsmissbräuche offenkundig verfassungswidrig agrar-ausgeraubten Tirol, vom friedlichen Widerstand, Klaus Schreiner

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PS.: Übrigens die 17. Innsbrucker Friedensmahnwache findet am Montag den 08.09.14 um 18:00 Uhr bei der Annasäule statt. Sei dabei! Unterstütze mit Deiner Anwesenheit die friedliche Bewegung FÜR Frieden in Europa und auf der ganzen Welt!


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