Der Geschäftsplan für Frieden – „The Business Plan for Peace“ von Dr. Scilla Elworthy

Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 14.10.2017
Liebe® Blogleser_in,

Bewusstheit, Liebe und Friede sei mit uns allen und ein gesundes sinnerfülltes Leben wünsch ich ebenfalls.

Aus dieser Quelle zur weiteren Verbreitung entnommen:


Do you dare to believe in peace?

Many people feel powerless in the face of what they see on TV or read in the news – a world in crisis, with wars and violence taking place across the globe.

But Scilla Elworthy has written a book for all those who want to step out of helplessness and apply their own personal skills to do something about the challenges now facing us.

“Support courage where there is fear, foster agreement where there is conflict, and inspire hope where there is despair.”

– Nelson Mandela, Founder of The Elders, 2007

What you will learn in this book


War makes a few people extremely rich, and makes billions of people extremely poor. Every year, the world spends about $2 trillion on wars. The total value of the global arms trade alone was at least $94.5 billion in 2014. By contrast, just $10 billion would cover the cost of bringing clean water and sanitation to everyone on the planet. Those who thrive in war are not only arms manufacturers but also people traffickers, arms smugglers, money launderers, drug dealers.


This book describes and references at least 25 proven systems that effectively prevent armed conflict and build safety at local, national and international levels. This is achieved through the methodical application of dialogue, prevention and early intervention, such as preventing the recruitment of suicide bombers in NW Pakistan. Each system is presented in detail, with examples of how it works in practice, followed by the plan of how it can now be implemented at scale.


Armed conflict causes massive economic losses every year, yet peace-building and peace-keeping are grossly under-funded. The spending in 2015 on peace-building ($6.8 billion) and peacekeeping ($8.27 billion) together represented just 2 per cent of the economic losses caused by conflict. This book demonstrates that the total cost of scaling up all the most effective systems to prevent war over a period of 10 years would cost under $2 billion. Currently we spend $9 billion annually on ice cream.


The current exponential rise in citizen action shows how fast humanity is evolving toward a more awakened, empathic society. The book outlines what anyone who wants to be active to prevent violence and armed conflict can do: 10 actions to take in your community, 14 actions to take nationally and 7 actions to take internationally. It addresses the self-knowledge and inner development that is essential if people are to be effective in their efforts, and provides trusted exercises to develop the skills needed in order to become inspiring builders of peaceful societies.

Who should read this book

Leaders & Policy Makers

Social Entrepreneuers

Teachers & Students

Peace Builders

Darth Vader


In half a century of work in the world, the most important lesson I’ve learned is that inner work is a prerequisite for outer effectiveness, for the simple reason that the quality of our awareness directly affects the quality of results produced. The story of Chris Hughes at the start of this book is a striking example — his awareness and presence of mind saved many lives that day in 2003.
The new brand of leaders that we need — those who are actually able to meet the challenges of today and thrive in the world of tomorrow — are the ones who know and live the connection between inner self-development and outer action. If we want to communicate clearly, transform conflicts, generate energy, and develop trust within our families, in our places of work or in government, our first challenge is to do the inner work.

About the author

PhD, three times nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the Oxford Research Group to develop effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers worldwide and their critics. Also founded Peace Direct in 2003 to fund, promote and learn from local peace-builders in conflict areas, and was adviser to Peter Gabriel, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Sir Richard Branson in setting up ‘The Elders’. She co-founded Rising Women Rising World in 2014 and advises the leadership of selected international corporations; her TED talk on non violence has been viewed by over 1,300,000 people.


Introducing the Peace Talks Webinar


If you’d like to dive deeper, there’s a whole other path you can follow connected to this book. In this 3-part webinar, we will:

> Concentrate on the skills you need to be able to resolve conflict and prevent violence at home, in your community or in the workplace

> Practice exercises to develop the self-knowledge and inner development that is essential if people are to be effective in their efforts to become inspiring builders of peaceful societies

> Examine what kind of actions you‘d like to take in your community, nationally or internationally, and to hone the skills needed to enable those actions to bear fruit

  • “This book is timely, well-informed, authoritative and readable. It challenges my assumptions about the inevitability of armed conflict, and calls on us to review beliefs that may have been unquestioned hitherto. It offers a clear and compelling case for the practicalities of building a more peaceful world, and calls for a culture change in how we manage conflict. It is highly practical on a personal as well as a global level, with clear suggestions for actions that we can take e.g. steps to disseminate these ideas to government and media. By assembling ‘known and viable initiatives’ Scilla Elworthy has given me a sense of hope that so many organisations world-wide are taking positive steps in peace-building.”

    Lawrence Kershen

    Chair, Search for Common Ground UK, former Chair, Restorative Justice Council


Choose your package

The Peace is Possible Book & Webinar contains trusted exercises to develop the skills that you and your community need to acquire to turn yourselves into inspiring builders of peaceful societies.


Get the book

„The Business Plan for Peace“
(Hardcopy or E-Book version)


Read and study

„The Business Plan for Peace“ (Ebook version)

Access to Peace Talks Webinar





Engage your community

„The Business Plan for Peace“ (Ebook version)

Access to Peace Talks Webinar

A private online consulting session with Scilla for your organisation, NGO or community.



“We need individuals like Dr. Elworthy to start the work of preventing war. This has been my personal dream for many years.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Aus dem per ÖVP-Amtsmissbräuche offenkundig verfassungswidrig agrar-ausgeraubten Tirol, vom friedlichen Widerstand, Klaus Schreiner

Don´t be part of the problem! Be part of the solution. Sei dabei! Gemeinsam sind wir stark und verändern unsere Welt! Wir sind die 99 %!

“Wer behauptet, man braucht keine Privatsphäre, weil man nichts zu verbergen hat, kann gleich sagen man braucht keine Redefreiheit weil man nichts zu sagen hat.“ Edward Snowden

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Wichtige Infos – über WAS JEDER TUN könnte – wenn er denn wollte – Schluss mit den Ausreden! Jeder kann was tun! Viele Tipps – da ist für jeden – was dabei! – Verschiedene Aktions- & Protestformen. Widerstand. Sehr viele Tipps zum (Um-)Weltverbessern; Bürgerprotesttipps, Weisheiten Gandhis u. v. m.


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496 Seiten Peace Press, Berlin/Bangkok, 2017ISBN 3-86242-007-8

Bestellmöglichkeiten:- über oder Euro 29,80 mit Luftpost –

über Amazon Euro 39,80 (inkl. Amazon-Gebühren) mit Luftpost- über jede Buchhandlung Euro 29,80 per Seeweg oder Euro 34,80 per Luftpost

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