WTF: Der Sohn von George Soros, Alex Soros tritt aus dem Schatten ins Licht und will in die Fußstapfen des Vaters treten – also das „Werk“ von Regime Canges, Konflikte schüren, globale Korruption u. Sturz von Wirtschaften für den persönlichen Profit?

Finanzmarkt- und Konzernmacht-Zeitalter der Plutokratie unterstützt von der Mediakratie in den Lobbykraturen der Geld-regiert-Regierungen in Europa, Innsbruck am 27.08.2016

Liebe® Blogleser_in,

Bewusstheit, Liebe und Friede sei mit uns allen und ein gesundes sinnerfülltes Leben wünsch ich ebenfalls.

Vorbemerkungen: Udo Ulfkotte schreibt in seinem Buch „Gekaufte Journalisten: Wie Politiker, Geheimdienste und Hochfinanz Deutschlands Massenmedien lenken“: „Die Wochenzeitung New Statesman enthüllt in einem langen Bericht (2003) […]: ‚In von George Soros mitfinanzierten, vermeintlich gemeinnützigen Organisationen sind häufig Ex-Mitarbeiter amerikanischer Geheimdienste oder geheimdienstnaher Organisationen oder Militärs mit Führungsaufgaben betraut. Und: Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass Firmen von George Soros und NGOs eng in die US-Expansion einbezogen sind.‘ Bereits zugegeben hat er, an folgenden Umstürzen beteiligt gewesen zu sein: Polen 80er-Jahre, Umsturz Milošević (Serbien), Rosenrevolution in Georgien. Soros räumte unumwunden ein: ‚Meine Stiftungen trugen zu den Regimewechseln in der Slowakei (1998), Kroatien (1999) und Jugoslawien (2000) bei und mobilisierten die Zivilgesellschaft, um Vladimír Mečiar, Franjo Tuđman und Slobodan Milošević aus ihren Ämtern zu vertreiben.‘“ … wobei allerdings ebenfalls Rockefellers Stiftungen mitwirkten.

Die Denkfabrik „National Endowment for Democracy (NED)“ („Nationale Stiftung für Demokratie“) ist eine 1983 von der Reagan-Administration gegründete Agentur zur Förderung politischer Aktion und psychologischer Kriegsführung gegen Staaten, die den Interessen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Wege stehen. Sie kann als Washingtons führendes nichtmilitärisches Instrument zur Durchführung von Regimewechseln angesehen werden. Die NEDWebsite führt 65 Projekte an, die die NED in den letzten Jahren allein in der Ukraine finanziell unterstützt hat. Eine „freie Marktwirtschaft“ wird dabei gleichgestellt mit „Demokratie, Reformen und Wachstum“, wobei die Vorteile ausländischer Investitionen betont werden. Allen Weinstein, der an der Entwicklung der Gesetze zur Schaffung der NED mitgearbeitet hat, erklärte 1991: „Eine Menge von dem, was wir heute machen, wurde vor 25 Jahren geheim von der CIA gemacht.“ Die NED bezeichnet sich als NGO – eine nicht ganz passende Kategorisierung. Die NED ist in Wahrheit eine GO (Governmental Organisation), da sie fast ihre gesamte Finanzierung von der Regierung der USA erhält, 11 insgesamt fünf Milliarden Dollar seit 1991. 

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Alex Soros comes out of the shadows. Son of George Soros is busy putting politicians in his pocket

George Soros’s son, Alex Soros, promises to carry on his father’s legacy of global corruption, regime change, and conflict creation.

In the midst of the DC leaks revelations, showing how much global influence coupled with global damage, billionaire George Soros and his NGOs have inflicted on the planet, it is a disheartening to know that Soros’s son is now emerging from the shadows, poised to carry on his father’s global destabilisation legacy.

Like his father, Alex Soros is a progressive liberal who believes it is his duty to destroy nation states, do away with traditional family values, and expunge Christianity from the face of the earth.

The young Soros is already off to a good start, whining and dining with all the right people who will help him carry on the “good” work of his father. Work that we can all familiarise ourselves with thanks to DC Leaks.


Breitbart profiled the billionaire, regime change specialist’s son…

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s running mate, dined exclusively with the son of progressive billionaire George Soros on Thursday evening, according to a photo posted on Alexander Soros’ Instagram on Friday afternoon.

“Love this man!” Alex Soros wrote along with a photograph of him with the vice presidential hopeful. “Was great to have dinner with a man we need to call one day #vicepresident @timkaine last night! He is definitely the real deal!”

The fact that Alex Soros, who was inspired in his own progressivism by his controversial father, has unfettered access to Kaine—Hillary Clinton’s running mate—is unsurprising. The Clinton apparatus has long come under scrutiny for their closeness with high dollar donor class figures, some of which has prompted federal law enforcement to fight for an official criminal investigation into the “Clinton Cash” narrative—one the Department of Justice (DOJ) under Attorney General Loretta Lynch has reportedly shut down. That being said, reports have surfaced that the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara is in fact investigating—along with the FBI—the Clinton Foundation for such donor class proclivities with the Clinton apparatus.

Even more troubling than the Clinton Cash narrative though is the fact that Hillary Clinton’s tax returns—the 2015 returns were released on Friday—show that she and Bill Clinton have made a whopping $240 million since leaving the White House when George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election. That’s a long way from “dead broke,” which they said they were at the time, and it’s all from their governmental connections and paid speeches.

Alex Soros’ Tim Kaine summit comes after a litany of other high-profile meetings he has had with top Democrats. In fact, during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, he got a coveted meeting—and photograph—with Hillary Rodham Clinton herself.

“There can only be one #womancrushwedensday today and that is of course @hillaryclinton, not just for being the first woman to run for president from this nation’s two largest political parties,but I believe the best presidential candidate this nation could have today! Looking forward to seeing her crush it tomorrow! #wcw #hillaryclinton,” he wrote about his meeting and photograph with Clinton herself.

In the past few months, he’s gotten at least a couple of meetings with the sitting president of the United States—Barack Obama—photos of which he posted on Independence Day, July 4, and June 14. In the July 4 posting, Soros bashed the United Kingdom’s decision to vote to “Leave” the European Union—called Brexit.

“A special #july4th #mancrushmonday for president @barackobama! Had European leaders and voters taken his advice they wouldn’t be in this current mess,” Soros wrote with the July 4 Obama picture. “After this farce called #brexit, I have never been more grateful to be American and for the institutions of #federalism, a written constitution, and a leader who doesn’t runaway from his obligations! #independenceday #obama #mcm”

Alex Soros has also got photos with his father, George Soros, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)—the likely next Democratic leader in the U.S. Senate since Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is retiring—House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, Muslim congressman Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and the highly controversial Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett.

In case you need a visual to see what Alex Soros is up, here it is (courtesy of Breitbart).

We are certain that the politicians and dignitaries pictured will not trade in favors for Soros cash.




Aus dem per ÖVP-Amtsmissbräuche offenkundig verfassungswidrig agrar-ausgeraubten Tirol, vom friedlichen Widerstand, Klaus Schreiner

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